My colleague Jeff Berry and I have been working with some students (Katie Bond and Kelli Farrington) over the last few months on a very ambitious project to conduct a survey of local public officials to get their views of sustainability, green jobs, and many related issues. The focus of this project is on 50 of the largest 54 cities in the US.
We have already surveyed all of the city councilors in these cities -- there are currently about 541 such councilors -- sometimes also called aldermen or commissioners -- and we have heard from 170 of them so far. Four cities have proven to be much less responsive to our survey than the others -- none of the councilors in Sacramento and Santa Ana, California, Miami, FL, and Columbus, OH. If you know any councilors in those cities, perhaps you could convince them to fill out the questionnaire either on paper or online.
The project also includes surveys of all major city administrators and managers -- mostly department heads -- as well as the leaders of local nonprofit groups working on issues of economic development and sustainability. In total, we have distributed around 3000 questionnaires.
We have just completed some analysis of the city councilors' responses that we have received so far, and have written a paper that will be presented at the American Political Science Association conference in Toronto over Labor Day weekend. Check back in a few weeks and I'll post this paper here on th"Our Green Cities" blog and web site.